Forgot IqBroker Password

Occasionally, the situations happen when users face the error with logging in even if sure the information entered is correct. To prevent the permanent loss of the trading account, the IQBroker platform supports the feature of password reset. The “Forgot password” option allows the owner to restore access to all deals while making sure that only actual account holder can use it.

The reasons behind incorrect password

IQBroker password is incorrect

Sometimes, the lack of attention can lead to the problems with IQBroker authentication, making the user to double-check the trivial details. Once there is a wrong keyboard layout, enabled Caps Lock, or even a simple typo made in a hurry, such moments become a catalyst for triggering the “wrong login information”. In some of the severe cases, the person can remember the right password belonging to the wrong service or even the previous version of the passcode as the current one.

Restoration of IQBroker password

IQBroker - restore password

On every of the platforms where the service can be accessed, the login form includes the sign-in fields, switch back to registration and “Forgot password?” button right under the corresponding section. One click is usually enough to activate it, starting the redirect link to another form.

IQBroker - password recovery

Inside of the new page, the trader has to enter one of two contact information types to which the account was linked – either e-mail or phone number. The second option is unlocked during the account verification stage for real trading.

Password recovery information has been successfully sent to your mail

Depending on the restoration method selected, the platform will either send the e-mail with reset link or create a code for nullifying the current passcode. Each user selects the personal option of comfort, proceeding with the next steps accordingly.

Reset password

After confirming the request validity as the account owner, the user sets up new password and types it in again as confirmation and for additional clarity of code. It is recommended to make it rather complicated for excluding the intrusion probability, but, at the same time, it should have the strong association to remember it in a correct way.

Incorrect IQBroker e-mail address

IqBroker email is incorrect

In rarer cases, the reason for incorrect login is related not to the password, but the account’s attached e-mail. Especially if the trader manages several mail accounts for sorting out the letters of included registrations for it, it is easier to switch to the wrong option by mistake. In such way, the backup option through phone number can be rather effective.

Restoring the IQBroker account e-mail

IqBroker restore email

When the login is successfully completed with the help of the mobile number, it is possible to enter the account settings which navigates the profile details. In the corresponding field, it shows the attached e-mail with an opportunity of switching it to more up-to-date one. Some prefer to risk with using the login form for multiple attempts or count in every possible option through “Forgot password?” feature.

Incorrect phone number

Phone number is incorrect

When the trader prefers to use the mobile phone as the login, then it is necessary to, at least, remember the correct, international format including the full country code, which is applied to the IQBroker standards. Moreover, with sole numbers it is easier to miss the typos within the code, so this also becomes the reason of its rarer use. Sometimes, due to the platform technical issues, the mobile login is disabled, so it is still better and more reliable to enter the e-mail address in login.

Once the user faces the issues with phone number sign-in, it is better to work with alternative options first or wait for some time, only then trying to reset the password. Also, it would be relevant to contact the support team to get the exact answer on what is happening with login form and how long could it take for a fix.

Restoring the IQBroker account’s phone number

Restore phone number

As the mobile phone is added as the next step of registration, with lesser probability of change or loss, changing it may require the assistance of the support team. Basically, the user has to redo the whole process of confirmation, deleting the initial phone number first, adding new with the staff’s permission and receiving verification code. The articles from FAQ center will give more details about it, allowing to pass the procedure seamlessly.

Closed or blocked IQBroker accounts

IqBroker blocked or closed account

Sometimes, the regular login will not work due to the previous decision of prohibiting the access to the profile of IQBroker service. If this is the case, the corresponding notification will be shown, explaining the exact reason and possible actions in such situation. For security shutdowns or self-initiated blocks, the IQBroker administration, as a rule, gives the opportunity to discuss the matter with the support and reopen the access again.

However, if the reason for the block was initiated by Terms of Use violation, like identity theft, documentation forging, and more, then the account unblocking is out of the question. The users like this fall into the blacklist of IQBroker servers and get the permanent ban for creating or managing accounts within them.

Customer support

Contact Support

In cases when the login feature does not want to accept the objectively correct data, then it is necessary to use the help of customer support service. By explaining the issue in a clear and brief way, attaching proofs, agreeing to introduce additional details, the trader gets more chances for solving the issue as soon as possible, being able to enter the account freely again.

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