Verification processes on IQBroker platform

In order to be able to perform real fund transaction, get the real benefit from the trades, the person should pass the verification procedure first. By its results, the administration will decide whether the trader applying is trustworthy enough for managing the asset markets. The verification consists of several parts which should all be submitted to administration’s review.

EU-region verification

Verification for EU clients

To access the website pages related to the identity check-up, the user can use two ways, one of which will feature the part of the whole process, and other would include all the stages required. The first notification is shown at the menu top, offering the person to complete the profile details, like full date of birth, physical address, other information which may be considered relevant. As for the second option, there will be the exclamation mark displayed on the opposite to “Verification” section, where the person can see the whole list of the requirements stated.

IQBroker - Background & Experience

Each of the stages is visually separated, allowing to figure out what each of the points stand for. The majority of users prefer to begin from the first option displayed – the general questionnaire, which takes the standard personal information.

IQBroker Verification

Then, there will be the part dedicated to the questions of previous experience or general background. There will not be much pressure if the newcomer is inexperienced or wants to try the efforts in another field, especially if all the risks are included into attention field. However, the experienced trader will get the additional reputation bonus from the administration in case of approval.

IQBroker Verification form

In the questionnaire, there will be several requests related to personal data disclosure – later, they will be used for checking the factual correspondence with documentation. In case the user worries about the information safety, the answers will be securely encrypted according to the privacy prescriptions, not leaving any chance for data leaks or forging.

IQBroker Verification done

Finally, the introduced responses should be supported with the proof of identity – for this, user may attach the passport or any kind of ID with the same value. The data will also be used for legal registration of the trader, which would justify frequent transactions of funds in and out of the platform.

Verification for users outside of EU area

Verification for non EU clients

While the questionnaire is similar of all categories of the traders, the types of documents attached may vary according to the regional requirements. As an example, the proof of identity is not necessarily presented by password, allowing to attach:

All of the documents mentioned are issued to the people who are about to reach or have already come of age and allow to identify the person all around the world. Regarding the residential proof, there are such options, as:

Verification for USA clients

The American trader case is listed individually because of the working regulations in the government, where financial specialists are mentioned as “US reportable people”. If the user from the USA did not put the tag or lied about the registration, then their account is immediately banished.

Verification with e-mail

Email verification

To have the reliable communication way with the traders outside of the platform for emergency cases, the IQBroker insists that the users should use active e-mail address only with completed verification. For this purpose, the invitation letter is sent right after the sign-up process with confirmation link or, alternatively, the six-digit code of activation.

Email verification code

The link use will only require using it once, after what the system immediately validates the e-mail address behind the user. For the code entering, there will be a need to copy it first, return to the account menu, select profile settings and find there the field for e-mail confirmation.

Verification with phone number

In order to always have an alternative in contact means, the mobile phone is also requested for the account verification. To start the confirmation process, it is necessary to enter the full number, including its country code.

Phone verification sms

Then, there should arrive the short numeric code which should be also transferred to the corresponding field on IQBroker website. After entering the digits correctly, the phone number will be later used as a spare option for getting in touch with the trader.

Why IQBroker requested additional documents?

As it was said, to prevent or, at least, cut down the scam attempts, the administration has to collect such sensitive personal data, checking it thoroughly for any possible fraudulence. As a result, such safety precautions provide the safe space for IQBroker community and healthy market trading without manipulations. Moreover, the registration of the person in the lists of IQBroker members is completely legal, providing the safe transaction with no additional issues.

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